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When you join as a member of MCA, you will receive unlimited roadside assistance, unlike our competitors which will only provide you 2-4 service calls per year. You will also receive heatlh benefits, legal benefits, and travel benefits all in the same package! That's right we offer over $156,000 in benefits to cover you and your family, so that you have piece of mind at home, on the road, and at work. Visit our services and memberships page via the top menu bar for more information!

As a member with MCA you will recieve our discount card. Our discount card is an easy way to help you and your family receive discounts on all of your Prescription, Vision, Dental needs, Hotel, and Rental Car needs. You received a unique membership card allowing you to receive up to:

  • 65% discount on prescriptions at the most popular pharmacies

  • 50% off dental procedures

  • 50% off eye wear and eye exams

  • 50% off rental cars at all of the most popular rental car agencies

  • 15% off major hotel and motel chains


Pro Driver, Truck Driver Benefits

Become an associate with MCA today and start working from home or on the go! Yeap it's that easy! How you get paid with MCA is as follows, meaning for every membership you sell as an Independent Sales Associate, you will automatically earn an $80.00 commission. Anyone who enrolls under your account by Saturday night, you will be paid on the following Friday. MCA pays by Direct Deposit only. You must have a bank account to be paid. Like most companies, mailing out checks is old technology. Please keep in mind, you have no quotas to meet, and you can sell as many  memberships as possible. MCA Associates have been known to sell anywhere from 1-120 Memberships (per week). For more information please visit our careers page via the menu bar at the top of this page!

We also have some great benefits for truck drivers, that include not only specific coverage for truck driver's and their passengers, but it also includes our other MCA benefits. For more information on how you can purchase these benefits check out our Pro Driver benefits page via the top menu bar.

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